Principal’s Welcome
Welcome to Tambrey Primary!
At Tambrey Primary School we place your child at the centre of our wonderful community. This is a school where your child will feel welcome, safe and happy. Our school fosters a love of learning and through our motto of Nurture, Inspire, Achieve you will see your child thrive in a challenging and complex world.
We prioritise the learning of literacy and numeracy by providing a strong start in the early years of schooling and consolidating this over students’ primary schooling years to ensure we build strong foundations. Our staff use evidence based, whole school programs such as Top Ten Maths, Talk for Writing, an Instructional Reading program and Making up for Lost Time in Literacy (MultiLit) resources in classrooms and for any required intervention.
As educators, we are aware of our responsibilities in preparing and equipping students for living and working in the 21st Century. Technologies are embedded throughout the school’s learning programs. We seek to develop students who are environmentally and globally aware, responsive, and who will contribute positively to the world in which they live. In 2021 we were a lead school in this area and showcased as a Teacher Development School in the area of Digital Technologies and STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics).
Tambrey is a Positive Behaviour Support school and has four behaviour expectations. They are:
Strive for Personal Growth, Take Responsibility, Act Safe and Respect.
The whole school observes these expectations and staff work together to plan and teach these expected behaviours with the aim of creating well rounded students who are respectful in their interactions in and around our school and community.
Highly regarded and successful specialist programs operating in the school include: Physical Education, Science, Indonesian, Music, Digital Technology, access to the Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) program, Learning Education Academic Extension classes in Years 1-6 and Literacy Intervention programs in Years 1-6.
The school is the hub of the local community and we work in partnership with our families and local community to instill a sense of connection and engagement, and to develop relationships where members of our school community feel welcome, included and respected. We look forward to working with you during the course of your association with our school and encourage you to become actively involved in your child’s education. For meaningful ways to become involved, please see more information on our School Board and P&C association pages.
To experience the school atmosphere firsthand and to appreciate the teaching programmes, excellent educators and community spirit at Tambrey Primary School, why not visit our school. There is an open invitation to all prospective parents and children to visit. Contact our lovely ladies at the front office to find out further details.
We look forward to welcoming you into our Tambrey Team.
Mrs Shiona Hobart
(Also see Principal’s Update page here).