Tambrey Primary is a PBS (Positive Behaviour Support) School. Positive Behaviour Support is a behaviour model that teaches students expected behaviours and allows them to model and practise these behaviours. Our PBS team, in consultation with staff and students, developed a matrix that outline the expected behaviours of Tambrey students, staff and community.

The matrix is made up of four stars, Strive for Personal Growth, Take Responsibility, Act Safe and Respect.

At Tambrey we strive for personal growth mascot

At Tambrey we take responsibility mascot

At Tambrey we Act Safe Mascot

At Tambrey we show Respect mascot

 We focus on a different positive behaviour from the matrix every fortnight, the behaviour is taught explicitly at a whole school level and in individual classrooms. The use of Positive Behaviours at Tambrey are celebrated in many ways, ranging from individual to whole school celebrations.

Common positive language is used across the school to discuss behaviour. Our expected behaviours are outlined on the matrix below:

A matrix of expected behaviours at Tambrey Primary School.